1. When do you feel most happy?
I think I am happiest when I am not thinking about the future-when I have no plans-when I'm just going where the day takes me, "tossing a feather to the wind" as it's said.
2. Read/respond to article.
I quite enjoyed the article, I found it extremely interesting. There was a quote "Happiness, in fact, is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated, and defended privately by each person." I liked this a lot; happiness is not something that simply happens to you. It's a change in attitude, a willingness to be open to what comes your way. "It is by being fully involved with every detail of our lives, whether good or bad, that we find happiness, not by trying to look for it directly."
Happy experiences are "not necessarily pleasant at the time they occur." This made me think of running races while on the cross country team. The experience is incredibly painful, but when you look back on it, you feel accomplished, and, happy.
3. Where are you on the flow chart?
I think I am within the flow channel. I think there is a good balance of learning skills, and overcoming challenges. I am never over-anxious, and I'm certainly never bored. I'm so happy to be doing my project.
4. How has this changed/remained the same throughout the course of your project?
I think my non-boredom has increased greatly recently when I started doing more hands-on work. Before, there may have been a bit too much research going on.
5. How can you achieve flow?
I think flow can be achieved by not rushing but moving at a fair pace, balancing being patient and taking risks, and simply by continuing.
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