Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Bit of This, a Bit of That

First thing: PLANS ARE IN THE MAIL! This is very, very exciting. I went with the plans I talked about in my last post. I am so excited. They'll be here hopefully by the middle of next week, so I'll be checking my mailbox every few minutes.

The cool thing about having plans is now I can begin collecting supplies. I went on a few adventures today. First, I went to 84 Discount Lumber out in Dryden. I was a little disconcerted by all the barbed wire surrounding the property, but they turned out to be quite helpful. They told me they'd have to order the wood I would need, and I should call Monday to find out about prices, but it could be in Ithaca in roughly a week. Finger Lakes Sailing Center could also order this wood for me, so I'm waiting to compare prices. Cayuga Lumber does not sell what I'm looking for, and were pretty reluctant to order it.

My mentor meeting on Thursday was very encouraging. I was feeling a little overwhelmed, but just talking through things made me a lot calmer. Reading my classmates' blogs has also been encouraging and motivating, as well as seeing comments on my own blog from them.


  1. Julia, I love all the headers on your blog, ecspecially the title "what ever floats your boat". It is just too much fun!!!
    Love Emma

  2. Congratulations, Julia! I'm so happy to hear that you went ahead and ordered the plans. I'm looking forward to hearing about the lumber situation—it sounds like you are on track and ready to get building.
